Sunday, 12 December 2021

SEARCHING for the Spear


After returning to the elderly sim with the activated key, John is told to re-visit the tomb of the first emperor to search for a spear.

John heads back to the tomb and makes his way to the locked door.  He places the key into the keystone and the chain of the door breaks, opening up a couple of rooms that hold treasure chests.  John can see that the spear is in one of the treasure chests from the glow emanating from it.  Unfortunately, there is a fence that John cannot pass.

A treasure chest lays in front of him and so he proceeds to open it, hoping that this will allow him entry to the room with the spear.  Alas no, but two secret doors open, revealing two more rooms that John will need to investigate.

He enters the smaller room, checking for traps on the way.  After finding a trap on the floor and the wall, he places his hand in a hole in the wall which activates a switch, opening up a staircase going down, deeper into the tomb.  This switch also activates two more traps in the walls.  This tomb is full of dart traps so John must be extra careful of where he treads.

Heading down the stairs, he comes to two doors, one blue and the other green, with a plaque on the wall.  The plaque reads that the First Emperor always said that the path of the righteous is paved with jade.  As jade is green, John realises that he must go through the green door.  He also realises that the rooms have green walkways.  Obviously this must mean that John should stay on the green path to avoid the dart traps.

John makes his way through the green door which activates and disables a few more traps and also opens something else in a darkened room where John has not been before.  This must be for something else later on in the adventure.

John stands on a floor plate which activates something else but John is unaware of what it is.  He then makes his way along the corridor and up some more stairs where he stands on yet another floor plate.  This opens a secret door which leads him back in the small room upstairs.  He has come full circle and needs to sleep.

As he makes his way through the secret door, he gets caught by a dart trap and collapses (after walking around the tomb to find somewhere where he can collapse) for a few minutes.

Needing desperately to sleep, John makes his way back to a small camp site, avoiding the zombies as he goes, to rest for the night.  In the morning, he will continue his adventure.

- Minicart (Jules)

Saturday, 11 December 2021



In the last episode of The Evil Witch of Dragon Valley, Willow created an inferno at the Police Station and then went on to the Bistro to see what mayhem she could cause there.

Quite a lot of Sims turned up to this spectacle of fire, even bringing their children and babies, which they left on the grass with a bottle while they jumped around, waving their arms in the air and screaming at the sight of the blaze.  With babies crying and children screaming, the Bistro turned out to be quite a mess of flames and burned Sims.  However, this didn't deter them from asking Willow if she would pose for a photograph in between the fires going out.

Willow, being an evil Sim, takes great pleasure from seeing others suffer and she tends to take her time with casting fire blast spells as she is very busy heckling other Sims and laughing maniacally at the suffering she bestows upon them.  Because of this, unfortunately no-one died so Willow decided to return to the Police Station to see if she will have better success there.

She casts a few fire blast spells but unfortunately no-one turns up.  Maybe Sims are getting more wise to Willow's antics and have decided to stay away.  I suppose you can't blame them really but I'm giving them too much credit as, whilst Willow returns home to feed her beloved familiar cat Tabitha and of course, the cow plants, a Sim turns up at the Police Station to do the usual jumping about and screaming.

Willow decides to go back to the Police Station and cast a few more fire blast spells.  A couple more Sims turn up, much to Willow's delight, and she casts a few fire blast spells at them as well.

I have said this before, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword and this could be very true in Willow's case with regard to fire.  Willow tends to stand in the midst of blazes when she casts spells sometimes and this time is no exception.  Whilst casting her final fire blast spell in the midst of a blaze, she catches alight.  There is no option to "extinguish self" and she just stands there with fire billowing from her back.

Is this the end of Willow Mendip?

- Minicart (Jules)

Thursday, 9 December 2021


John proceeds to descend the stairs in the tomb of the first emperor and stands in awe of the vastness of the chamber.

On entering, John is told that he has searched the tomb and to report back to the elderly Sim.  However, John decides to search further before returning to report on what he has found.

A pushable statue stands at one end of the room and a locked door is visible at the end of a small corridor.  Two treasure chests lie in the middle.  Hopefully John can retrieve a key to the locked door from one of these.

The player (yes, me!) looks around for traps but doesn't find any.  Now, when looking for traps, it is advisable to move your cursor over the ground very slowly in order for the cursor to recognise any traps that may be there by turning the cursor into a little star.  If you go too quickly, traps can be missed.  Unfortunately in this case, the player moved a little too quickly.

John proceeds to walk towards the first treasure chest but unfortunately gets caught in a dart trap!  This puts him to sleep for a while but doesn't harm him any way.  This is very fortunate for John as if you have ever played The Sims 4 Jungle Adventures, traps like these can poison your Sim and having been given just a few hours for it to get worse, you must purchase an antidote via computer otherwise your Sim will die.  This antidote costs 1,000 simoleons so unless you are rich...

After awakening, John looks (very slowly) to see if there are any other traps of which he finds three more.  He then opens the treasure chests one by one, to see what treasure he can find.  Unfortunately, the key to the locked door isn't inside either of these treasure chests but he does find an artefact and some ancient coins.

John then pushes the statue on to the floor plate behind it and a staircase opens up to a room below on the other side of the chamber.  John proceeds to go down the stairs and enters a corridor which contains two floor plates that he can stand on.  Each of these plates opens up another staircase to the first room where he finds more ancient coins and disarms the dart traps.

As John can do no more until he obtains a key to the locked door, he reports in to the elder Sim who is most pleased with John and gives him a key to the First Emperors Secret Rooms, the key to the locked door!  However, there is a snag.  The key will not work unless it has been blessed with an incantation.  John needs to speak with Ho Sung Kim who will bless the key and then return to the elder Sim for more Simoleons and further instructions.

After completing this part of the adventure, John is told by the elder Sim to re-enter the Tomb of the First Emperor to retrieve an ancient spear.

- Minicart (Jules)