Saturday 20 March 2021

Gone Fishin'


Willow hasn't ventured out that much during her time in Glimmerbrook.  Although she has been to a couple of parks, Granite Falls and of course the Magic Realm, she has been more focused on learning her craft and killing other Sims, the latter being done more easily at home, especially whilst hosting parties.

Fishing is one skill that Willow has been learning.  Each time she comes to a body of water that she can fish in, she has given this a go and caught a few fish.  So much so that she has raised her skill to level 4.

There are quite a few places in all the different worlds where a Sim can fish, each one giving different varieties of fish that can be caught.  Of course, different fish can be caught with different bait such as flowers or fruit and Willow being a bit of a gardener has a variety of bait within her inventory.  As Willow is an outdoorsy type, she finds fishing most enjoyable.

In this episode, Willow goes fishing in the Magic Realm and catches a couple of Rainbow fish - a new fish that she hasn't encountered before.  This then gave her the idea that maybe she should visit Sulani.

Sulani is a beautiful tropical island with palm trees, waterfalls, a volcano and beaches.  

There are lots of different fish there where you cannot catch anywhere else so Willow decides to try her luck.

Visiting the bar, she chats with one of the locals and discovers that he is a witch too.  Afterwards, she searches around for a fishing spot but unfortunately there is none to be found.  But then Willow comes across a fishing basket laying in the water, ready to be baited for catching fish.  She decides to pop an apple inside to see what fish she might catch.  While waiting, Willow begins to make a sand sculpture on the beach.

After a little while, Willow checks the basket to see if she has caught anything but alas, no.  She goes back to building a sand sculpture and leaves the basket in the water, hoping that the fish will bite soon.

Maybe in the next episode, Willow will be lucky enough to catch some new fish and perhaps she should really buy a fishing basket of her own.

- Minicart

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