Showing posts with label #pufferfishnigiri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #pufferfishnigiri. Show all posts

Monday 3 May 2021



It's Winterfest and although Willow doesn't like the festive spirit or to eat a Grand Meal, she does love the decorations and also the presents!

Although Willow doesn't need an excuse for a party, Winterfest is a great time to invite a few "friends" over for some company and to open some gifts together.

Now Willow has quite a few enemies, most of which are dead but the few that remain didn't show up in the list of Sims that she could invite over.  Maybe it's because they really despise each other but I don't seem to remember this happening before as she has in the past invited quite a few Sims over that she hated.  Maybe EA/Maxis have changed things around a little with their updates to the game recently.  It's probably just as well because as I have said before, it seems strange to me that Sims that are despised and who despise Willow, still turn up to her parties.

So even though she didn't have much of a relationship with the Sims that she invited, and not much of a choice of Sims to invite, they still turned up.  This time however, Willow left her door unlocked so that they could enter her home for some festive cheer in the form of opening gifts and eating Pufferfish Nigiri...

A couple of Sims didn't get to open any presents unfortunately and they didn't see out Winterfest either.  They lay dead on the kitchen floor.  The good thing is though, the Grim Reaper turned up and joined in the Winterfest fun.

Willow then decided to build a snow pal in her garden with one of her guests, just to round off the party.

After a while Caleb Vatore called to ask Willow if she would like to go over to his place.  Willow thought this would be a great idea as Willow and Caleb are quite good friends and this would give Willow a chance to see Caleb's home and be introduced to Lillith, his wife.  

Willow accepted the offer and, with a few friends, travelled to the Vatore's home to hang out.

At first Willow and Lillith didn't really like each other but this was soon turned around a little.  Willow does need to be friends with Lillith considering she too is a vampire.

As there is a lot of time left in this Sim day, maybe Willow should return home and invite a few Sims over...

- Minicart

Saturday 3 April 2021

Weenie Roast


As you may already know, Willow is no stranger to parties.  She also loves the outdoors so what better than to hold a Weenie Roast outside by the campfire and entertain a few guests.

Even though Willow is an evil witch and enjoys making lethal Pufferfish Nigiri for Sims who visit her, sometimes things happen on her home lot that are beyond her control. 

The camp fire is pretty lethal at the best of times and when a few Sims start throwing logs to add fuel, this can make matters even worse.

In this episode, again Willow invites Sims that she doesn't like to her party and as usual, they all turn up.

Gathering by the fire pit, roasting marshmallows and vomiting over the mere sight of one Sim that Willow had previously cast the Strangeify spell on at Magnolia Blossom Park, the little wooden log seats are suddenly set alight.  Now, this isn't Willow's fault.  She didn't cast an Inferniate spell, neither is she near the fire pit at the time.  Willow is completely innocent.  She even tries to put the fire out (!!??) but then decides to wait at the front of the house with the rest of her guests until it's all over.  And, it's all over when the Grim Reaper arrives...

Once the Grim Reaper has reaped the soul of the poor unsuspecting Sim, Willow, with the help of her fire extinguisher, puts the fire out.  Now the coast is clear, her guests come back to gather around the fire pit again, looking rather sad after witnessing the death of yet another Sim.

To cheer her guests up, Willow decides to prepare Pufferfish Nigiri for them.  Now, this is where we catch a glimpse of the real Willow.  The real evil witch that is buried inside.

As her guests consume the poor quality dish, two more Sims meet their fate.  One falls face first onto his plate and the other on her living room floor.  The remaining three Sims, although playing with clay, still find time to cry at the sight of these deaths.  But not Willow.  Oh no!  Willow claps and jumps up and down in glee, revelling in the misery that she has caused.

This is a true evil witch.  This is Willow Mendip.

- Minicart

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Spooky Day Party

Back in 2018 a Seasons Expansion Pack was released for The Sims 4.  This made an enormous difference to the game and gameplay with  of course all the Seasons that we have in real life.  Of course this also meant that weather was added, including rain and thunder and lightening, wind, snow and heatwaves.  Not every day was the same anymore.  Certain plants grew at certain times of the year and fish could only be caught usually in Spring, Summer and Autumn, the Winter making it too cold with ice covering the ponds.

Special days were also added to the game such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas (known as Winterfest) and the festivities that are associated with them.  In my game I have called them Happy Bunny Day for Easter and Spooky Day for Halloween, replacing the "Thanksgiving" holiday that is placed on the calendar in game.  I have also added Fireworks Night or Bonfire Night as it is also known in real life, the original name for it being Guy Fawkes Night here in England.

Many new objects for each holiday were also added to the game, such as a festive tree, pumpkin carving station and a bowl of candies for trick or treaters.  We also had related decor such as pumpkins and ghosts.  Being able to decorate the outside of your Sim's home with lights and banners was also made available, having chosen them from the little attic box of goodies that also came with the pack.

Now of course the best holiday of the year, especially for an evil witch, is Halloween or Spooky Day.  And Willow, being an evil witch, is extremely excited in this episode of The Glimmerbrook Witch, to hold a party.  Obviously, a Spooky Day party has to be very spooky and scary and with the new emotion of "scared" for Sims added to the game with the recent Paranormal Stuff Pack, this year's Spooky Day party is going to be the best ever!

Willow places a bowl of candies outside her door for the Trick or Treaters to help themselves and couples this with a very cool cauldron light that when turned on displays ghostly apparitions.  Of course a pumpkin also adorns her doorstep.

Once Willow has invited a few neighbours to her party, she puts on some spooky music on the radio and prepares fresh Pufferfish Nigiri for her guests.

Everyone arrives dressed for the occasion in fancy dress outfits.  Some dance and some partake of the meal, eating it with relish.  A little Trick or Treater turns up too, so that made it a little more interesting.

As you can guess, it's not long before the Grim Reaper turns up and joins in the fun, as usual.

All in all Willow "lost" three of her guests at this party so it turned out to be very successful.

The next party that Willow will be having is Fireworks Night...

- Minicart

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Dancing Mr Reaper

Willow enjoys having a gathering of Sim neighbours at her home on a regular basis and this episode is no exception.

In previous get togethers however, only food and friendly conversation ensued, apart from of course the odd Sim dropping dead here and there.  This occasion is somewhat a little different as Willow purchased a music centre.  Just a small one. Some would call it a radio.  Nevertheless, having the addition of music changed her "party" into a "soiree".

As usual, Willow invited a few Sims that she didn't like, five in fact, to taste the delicacy of Pufferfish Nigiri that she made herself, afresh for her guests, participate in friendly conversation and dance the night away.  This is what her guests thought but you would think that, again, if someone you don't like invites you to their soiree, knowing that the feeling was reciprocated, that you wouldn't go, would you?  Well, I would have thought not too.  But, we are talking about The Sims and even though they are supposed to be "Smart Sims" as advertised when TS4 was first released, they are not smart at all.

One by one they turned up at Willows house, obviously looking forward to the evening ahead.  After being invited to dance, they were offered some freshly made food which, although struggling with the chopsticks, they ate with relish.  It wasn't long before one Sim started feeling the effects.  In fact the Grim Reaper showed up before the poor Sim had actually hit the floor.  It seems that Mr Reaper enjoys taking the souls of Sims, rushing to the place of death and then taking his time to read his list.

After receiving four of these souls, he decided to dance.  And dance he did!  He must be on dancing skill level 10 the way he busted those moves.  The Grim Reaper carried on dancing as the fifth Sim (the one who survived the Pufferfish dish) burned to death behind him.

- Minicart

Thursday 14 January 2021

Summer Party

During the hot months of Summer, it is only natural for Sims to want to get together and hang out by the pool.  Partying is on the agenda and what better than to do this with friends - drinking, dancing and lots of water fun is perfect on a hot summers day.

Willow is no exception.  Even our evil witch loves to hang out in the garden in the sunshine, especially since she loves the outdoors.

Unfortunately for Willow, she doesn't have a swimming pool or even a bar.  Neither does she have a radio or music centre.  To top it all, she doesn't even have any friends.  But this doesn't stop Willow from inviting other Sims over to her house and it doesn't stop other Sims from taking her up on her invite.  However, as I have said before in previous posts, Sims turn up to Willow's home but not all of them leave.

This year in Glimmerbrook, the Summer has been especially hot, to the point of a heatwave, so Willow decided to have a Summer Party.

She invited a few Sims over that she knew and low and behold, they accepted her offer.  These poor unsuspecting Sims thought they were in for a good time; lounging around in the Summer sun, drinking, dancing, water fun but they were in for a big surprise.

Willow took the precaution of locking her door so that her guests would stay in the garden to get lots of sun and fresh air.  And of course she made her speciality dish of Pufferfish Nigiri, just in case her guests became hungry.

Everyone gathered in the garden, chatting and getting to know one another.  A few picked up plates of food and struggled to eat it with the chopsticks provided but they persevered, to their detriment.

As you can guess, the inevitable happened.  And if the Pufferfish Nigiri didn't kill them, the hot Summers sun would.

No-one left Willows home that day.

Here is a snippet of "Summer Party":

Watch the full episode on my channel on YouTube!

- Minicart