Saturday 13 February 2021

Copy Pasto

As a witch, Willow has grown considerably over the past few weeks.  By practising on the cauldron and with her wand and casting spells, her power has grown and she has learned much in the way of new spells and potions.

As I mentioned in a previous post with regard to potions, Willow needs ingredients such as herbs and crystals which she garners from the world and purchases from the little shop in the Magic Realm.  Fishing is also needed as fish too feature in her potions along with gardening to enable her to grow all manner of herbs, fruit and vegetables.

Of course, if one could "magic" these items into existence, there would be no need to purchase, garner, catch or grow anything.

This is where the "copy pasto" spell comes into play.

This spell does exactly what it says on the jar.  As long as you have one item of anything, including bottled potions, you can copy pasto it and voila!  You have another!

Unfortunately this doesn't actually work on fish but it does on mostly all other items in Willow's inventory.

So as long as she has the ingredients to create the initial potion, she can then copy pasto it, nullifying the need for any of the ingredients.  And by casting these spells, Willow's little orange bar goes up, giving her more magic points to enable her to get stronger and stronger.  Its a win-win situation.

Maybe Willow can try this spell out on expensive items and get rich in the process.  We will have to wait and see.

One can only wonder if this spell is dangerous in the hands of an evil witch.

- Minicart


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