Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The Sims 2 Dating Scenario

If you've never played The Sims 2, you won't know what the dating scenario is, which is a really cool feature of the game that we unfortunately don't have in The Sims 3.

There are in fact lots of things we had in 2 that we don't have in 3 and I think this is mainly due to the routing problems.  Although many people complained about the loading screens in TS2 (myself included), I really don't see it is a problem anymore as the gameplay tends to override this, in my opinion.  I would therefore rather have a 'closed' world as opposed to an open one if we get better gameplay.  Maybe all this will change when TS4 comes out, seeing that Maxis is back in the frame.  To be fair though, the gardening, cooking and fishing skills in TS3 I think are a lot better than in TS2.

So the next instalment of The Barrington-Smythe Legacy has Charles and Victoria on their first date.  Do they have a dream date or is it a complete flop?  Watch the video below to find out!

Thanks for watching and I wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

