Willow tends to have her favourite spots in Dragon Valley to light fires, such as the graveyards, park and grocery store. She has killed many Sims in these places and seemingly enjoyed every minute of it. One place that she hasn't been to for a long while is the Unity Day Spa. She had forgotten that she had great success in killing a Sim there quite a while ago and so decided to give this community lot another shot.
Willow was going to take Tabitha with her but decided against it as Tabitha was quite tired and needed to sleep. Besides, she didn't want Tabitha getting hurt.
After lighting a couple of fires, not surprisingly, a few Sims turned up on the lot to shout, scream, jump up and down and wave their arms around. Sitting ducks, (which is a phrase that I use quite often these days), Willow lights a couple of fires very near these Sims to see if she can catch them alight.
As is quite normal in these situations, the Sims just carry on jumping around and screaming. Sometimes they run off still on fire and return to their homes where you can see the flames emanating from them through the windows. But not today. Today they are sitting ducks. One Sim passes out as the Grim Reaper returns to the realm of the living to reap yet another soul.
- Minicart (Jules)